Rage Against The machine Believes in Freedom, helping other less fortunate people out, and sharing the wealth of knowledge and insight. If you dont belive in these you need to go here to find yourself.
Zach (and i, mostly cause of rage though) is a strong supporter of EZLN
They are located in Chiapas Mexico. For more info go HERE They are a group of people fighting for what is thiers, they think of violence as only a last resort, and they think of weapons as a curse.

I am personally not as socialist as Rage against the machine or the people that they tend to support, but you can go here to learn more about Marxism, Lenenism, and Socialism. Rage Against the Machine is also a supporter of Che Guevara, so you could read up on him, though hes dead now, some of his ideas were good.

(c) most of this stuff was taken from other Rage Against the Machine Sites
i apologize if i took something from your page.
Made by James Rubingh