| This is the best site on
the web for any of your ti-calculator needs. Updated daily. |
Optic 2000's | This is a great site for ASM programming. I used this site more than any other site on the internet. I learned the basics from Yarin, and the advanced from this page!. A must visit site |
 | This is a good all around site for all calulators, i basically had to add this link to please the great Adam Berlinsky-schine. |
Dan Ebles'
page | This is Dan Eble's page. It is for really technical stuff like undocumented opcodes. I really dont use this page, but you might |
Dux Gregis' Page | This is a very good site for ti-86 assembly programming. It has everything about advanced concepts and techniques. Also on this page is the ACZ (Assembly Coders Zenith). |
Joshua's 86
site | This is Joshua grams 86 research site. Awesome information on all kinds of advanced concepts. Very useful help for variables, interupts and other user routines. |
Rick's |  |
Thomas Wetmores page | This is Thomas Wetmore's page, it has games, some
files, links, its an all around good looking site |
TI-FILES | I love this page. It has a ton of stuff, screenshots, polls, reviews, and archives. All in a very friendly format. |
86 Underground | I
like this page it has some cool stuff for programming and stuff. |
.MP Productions | This is just a page. I like it because they gave me the .mp industries award in july '98 =) |
Yarin's webpage | also known as Jimmy mardell, this is a great page. |
The 86
Center | Well, this page is called the 86 programming center, it has 86 assembly stuff and links to helpful information. |